Get your API key

To authenticate with the Rapidcron API, you need an API key. You can view and manage your API keys here.

Install the SDK

npm install rapidcron --save

Create a job

Start by creating a new instance of the SDK with your API key:

import Rapidcron from "rapidcron";

const rapidcron = new Rapidcron("API_KEY");

And then define a task depending on whether it’s a delayed or recurring task:

await rapidcron.tasks.create({
    type: "delayed",
    nextRunAt: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60), // 1 hour from now
    request: {
        method: "POST",
        url: "",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify({
            hello: "world"